Foundamentals Course Exercise 2.1 - no messages from OPC UA and Aggregate modules

Foundamentals Course Exercise 2.1 - no messages from OPC UA and Aggregate modules

Hello Crosser community,

I followed the following instructions from the PDF (with adaptations) but got no output:
"1. Create a new flow called Exercise 2.1
2. Add a OPC UA Subscriber (now called OPC UA Events) module with the following settings:
  1. Server URL: opc.tcp://
  2. Additional NodeIds to monitor: ns=2;i=2|temp1,ns=2;i=4|pressure1 (had to enter one by one with inside quotation marks, otherwise got an error)
  3. (Tried both without and with "Subscribe to global events")
3. Add an Aggregate module:
  1. Source Property:
  2. Value Property: data.value
  3. Target Property: stats
After adding each module, run the flow in a sandbox and look at the output..."

Attached are screenshots of my flow and notifications. With this settings I got no errors, just no output within 10 minutes, then a session timeout was reached.
What am I doing wrong?

Thank you,