Unable to read modbus data using a modbus reader when using tag collection (resource) property.

Unable to read modbus data using a modbus reader when using tag collection (resource) property.

Hello Community.

I have a simple flow where I am trying to read modbus data using a modbus reader.

I am able to read the data correctly using the additional tags to monitor property of modbus reader but I am unable to read the data when I use tag collection (resource) property.

I am getting an error as shown below.

Module Modbus Reader, 6.5.0 changed to status Error: Failed to initialize: Method not found: 'System.__Canon Crosser.EdgeNode.Common.Utilities.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(System.String)'.

I have used data in the tag collection resource file is same as the one in documentation.

"name": "SimPLCv3-250",
"unitId": "1",
"tags": [
"id": "Reg0",
"name": "Reg0",
"modbusDataType": "UShort",
"modbusFunction": "ReadHoldingRegisters",
"address": "1001",
"unitId": "2"

Any help here?