Minor Update

Minor Update

Release Note
Crosser Control Center

Minor Update

This release contains a number of minor changes and fixes.


  1. The module Documentations panel now has a "Release Notes" tab where changes to updated modules will be presented.
  2. The module Settings and Documentation panels can now be resized.
  3. The Debug&Test panel now shows which Flow a remote session is connected with, together with an option to re-connect on another Flow.
  4. When the cursor was positioned in a numeric input field the mouse scroll would change the value instead of scrolling the settings list.
  5. When opening the module settings panel the modules sometimes changed position.
  6. The remote session Node display now says "Sandbox" when connected to a Sandbox, instead of the version number.
  7. "Copy Path" added on File resources, to simplify configuring modules using the resource.
  8. "Zoom-to-fit" now takes the side panels into account.
  9. "Filename" can no longer be specified on PLC taglist resources.


  1. PLC taglist resources created inside the Flow Studio ends up in an incomplete state.
  2. Support for newer modules (based on .NET 6) on Nodes version 2.5.2 and higher.
  3. Improved module settings validation.
  4. Parameters were lost when changing version on Universal Connector modules.
  5. Archived resources could still be added to Flows.
  6. If a remote session closed due to inactivity the Flow remained in read-only state.
  7. Flow changes were not fully disabled while running a remote session, e.g. modules could be moved.
  8. A Flow was marked as changed as soon as the settings panel was opened, even if no changes were made.
  9. Space could not be used as the value for a setting, e.g. as the "Delimiter" setting in the "CSV Reader" module.
  10. A newly created resource was added to the Flow even if the creation failed.
  11. The modal showing debug messages only supported a limited message size.
  12. A Flow version which had PLC modules that used taglist resources could not be deleted.
  13. The setting for selecting OR or AND combination of filters in the Split module was missing.

Module updates

From now on module updates will be published weekly in this document and occasionally as notifications in Control Center. Changes on individual modules will also be available on the new "Release Notes" tab in the module Documentation panel.

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