Flow sharing

Flow sharing

June 30, 2022

Flow sharing

It is now possible to decide who gets access to your flows. By default new flows will only be accessible to the creator (owner) of the flow. For others to see or change (depending on permissions) your flows you must actively share them. You can then make them public to anyone in your organization, or share them with a selected list of users. You can decide at creation time who will get access or change sharing settings at any time later. Existing flows will not get an owner until explicitly set and are public to everyone with flow permissions, just like before.

Note 1: To enable Flow sharing for your users you must update your roles, both the Crosser Standard User role and any custom roles you have added. Go to the Organization settings in the Settings menu (top-right corner) and on the Roles page open each role and save it. The new settings will be applied after login.

Note 2: Users with the SuperUser role will see all flows, independent of sharing settings.

Note 3: If you change owner on one of your private flows the flow will disappear from your list.

New FlowApps page

The FlowApps page has got the same facelift as the Flows page in the previous release. Apart from showing which input and output modules that are used by each FlowApp the functionality is the same. When accessing FlowApps using links on other pages the new modal with information about the FlowApp is opened, instead of opening the FlowApps page as in the previous version.

Note: With the new UI we have introduced a short description, which is shown on the main list of FlowApps, and a detailed description which is shown when expanding a FlowApp. If you have created your own FlowApps your descriptions will end up in the short description field (which does not support markdown styling), so you may want to edit the "FlowApp Details" and move the description to the "Detailed description" field.

Other changes

  1. Fixed issue where users with the 'Crosser Standard User' role could not access parameters.
  2. Added support for Audience in Oauth Client credentials.

New modules

New modules added since the last release:

  • Array Sort By Property - Sort an array based on the values of a selected property.
  • Couchbase Executer - Exchange data with Couchbase databases, both self-hosted and hosted by Capella.
  • Snowflake Select/Insert/Executer - Exchange data with Snowflake.

Changed modules

Modules updated since the last release:

  • Array Join [2.2.2] - Fixed issue with case sensitivity on target assignment.
  • Azure IoT Hub C2D [4.1.0] - Client package updated.
  • Azure IoT Hub D2C [4.1.0] - Added support for custom properties.
  • Csharp [2.3.0] - UI updates.
  • File Finder/StreamWriter/TextWriter [3.0.0] - Removed dependencies on a legacy library, no functional changes.
  • Firebird Insert/Select [1.0.3/1.0.4] - Improved re-connect behaviour. Added connection string example to documentation.
  • IronPython [2.1.0] - UI updates.
  • Key Value Get/Set/Delete [2.0.0] - Removed dependencies on a legacy library, no functional changes.
  • MariaDB Executer/Insert/Select [1.1.1/2.9.4/2.8.3] - Added connection string example to documentation.
  • MongoDB Insert/Select [1.0.2/1.0.2] - Added connection string example to documentation.
  • MsSQL Executer/Insert/Select/Stored Procedure Read [1.1.1/1.8.2/1.6.4/1.0.3] - Added connection string example to documentation.
  • MySQL Executer/Insert/Select [1.1.1/2.9.4/2.8.3] - Added connection string example to documentation.
  • PostgreSQL Executer/Insert/Select [1.1.1/1.1.3/1.0.3] - Added connection string example to documentation.
  • Python Bridge [4.1.0] - UI updates.
  • SFTP DirectoryReader/Download/Move/TextReader/Upload/Watcher [1.1.0/1.1.0/2.1.0/1.1.0/3.2.0/1.1.0] - Added support for newer ciphers. The Watcher now supports SFTP servers that responds without "." directory.
  • TimescaleDB Insert [1.1.2] - Added connection string example to documentation.
  • TimescaleDB Select [1.0.2] - Added connection string example to documentation.
  • Time Stamp [3.1.1] - Offset not applied when using current time.

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