Using the Python Bridge module

Using the Python Bridge module


Crosser offers two ways to run Python code from within a flow: the IronPython and the Python Bridge modules. The Crosser flow engine is built in .NET and Python is not a native .NET language. The IronPython module uses a Python interpreter running inside .NET. This means that all processing happens within .NET, which may improve performance. It does come with several limitations though:
  1. Python version 2.7
  2. Only a subset of the standard libraries are available
  3. No external libraries can be used
  4. .NET data types are not converted to corresponding Python types
The IronPython module is still useful when you just want to make small modifications to your messages and you don't find suitable modules in the library to do that. You can find more information about IronPython here .

The Python Bridge module

In order to overcome the limitations with the IronPython module, the Python Bridge module is available. This module accesses a standard Python 3.9 environment running outside of .NET. The code that you provide through this module is executed in this external environment and message data is transferred between these environments. 
The advantage with this setup is that you now have access to a standard Python environment and can do more or less anything that you expect with Python from within a flow. There are some consequences of this implementation that you need to be aware of though. This article will explain these, so that you can get you code up and running more easily.
The Crosser edge node docker image comes with Python 3.9 pre-installed. If using the Windows service version of the edge node, the Python environment must be installed locally and the default configuration of the edge node must be modified to point to this local Python installation. See the installation guides for more information.
In the Docker version of the edge node the communication between the flow module and the Python environment is managed internally through inter-process communication. On the Windows service version this communication is done through MQTT using the default port 1883. If there is another MQTT broker on the same server it may not be possible to use this port. Then another port needs to be selected in the Python Bridge module.

Message formatting

We now have two separate execution environments: .NET and Python, and they don't use the same data types. Therefore flow messages need to be converted when sending flow messages to and from the Python code. This is done using JSON serialization.
Flow messages can in most cases be serialized to JSON, so sending data from a flow to the Python code is usually not an issue. One exception is binary data, which needs to be base64 encoded before it can be serialized. It's when sending data produced by the Python code back to a flow that problems may occur, since there are custom (but common) data types used in Python which cannot automatically be serialized to JSON. A typical example is when using Numpy arrays, or Pandas Dataframes. These need to be explicitly converted to standard Python types before they can be serialized.

Example flow that uses the Python Bridge module

Preparing your code

The Python Bridge module has a single code window where you can enter any valid Python code. There is however some 'structure' that you should be aware of. 

The three 'sections' of the Python Bridge code window


Any code that you add at the top level in the code window will be executed once, when the flow starts, just like with any Python program. This is where you import packages, define and initialize variables that hold state (between messages).
There is an alternative way to add initialization code: by defining an  initialize(module)  function. This function is called once when the flow starts. The only reason for using the initialize function is to get access to the  module  object, which is used to send data to the next module. So if you need to send data from your Python code without being triggered by an incoming message, you have to implement the initialize  function See below for an example of using this function.
No initialization code is required by the module.

Message processing

Each time the Python Bridge module receives a message from a previous module, the  msg_handler(msg, module)  function is called. It has two arguments:  msg  holds the message data (in a dictionary), and the  module  object is used to send the result of your Python code to the next module(s) in the flow (by calling  ).
There must always be a  msg_handler function defined, even if it's not used.

The  msg  argument in the  msg_handler  function contains a Python dictionary with the message data. Let's take a look at a sample message:

We can then reference the data in this message using normal dictionary syntax, for example:
if msg["id"] == 5:
  msg["data"]["temp"] = 0

As seen in the above example we can both read and write the values in our message. We can also add new properties:
msg["data"]["status"] = "ok"

To send the result of your processing in Python you call the  method, where  msg  is either a modified version of the incoming message, or a new message that you have created in your code.   The most common scenario is to send a dictionary to the next module. You can also send a single value, but then a target property must be specified (see below).

Note: the "crosser" object is added automatically to the output messages of all modules, based on the success of the operations performed by the modules. You can read this data in your code and take actions based on it, but you cannot write to this object. The Python Bridge module will add a new "crosser" object to the output, independent of any changes you have made with your code.

Code structure and testing

If you only have a small amount of Python code it's fine to just add it to the  msg_handler  function. However, for more complex code it is recommended to keep your custom code in separate files that you upload to the resource library in Crosser Control Cloud, see below. Then use the  msg_handler  function to adapt message data for your custom code and then call functions in your imported files. This will also simplify testing. Even though the Flow Studio is a great tool for verifying flow processing with live data, it is not a full code debugger. Therefore you should only use it to test the Crosser specific parts of your code. Custom algorithms and other complex code is better tested outside the Crosser environment, using proper code development tools. When you have verified your code and added it to the resource library you can import it in the Python Bridge module and then verify only the Crosser adaptations in the Flow Studio.
Apart from seeing the final output of your code in the Flow Studio debug window, as the message sent to the next module, you can also use  print()  statements anywhere in your code. The output of these print statements will show up in the debug window as regular debug messages with a log  label. The debug window is designed to show messages, therefore the output of any print statements is wrapped in a message like structure, where the output from print is assigned to a data  property. This introduces some limitations on what you can print, anything that cannot be presented as a single line string will not be shown properly, so you may need to prepare your print statements with this in mind.

Source and target properties

By default the  msg  dictionary sent the the  msg_handler  function holds the complete message. If you are dealing with complex messages where your code will only use a part of that message, or you only want to give your code access to a subset of the message to prevent unintentional modifications to other parts, you can use the  Source Property  setting.
If we use the example message above and set the Source Property to  data , the  msg  variable will hold the following data:
  "temp": 31,
  "pressure": 923
So instead of referencing the "temp" value with msg["data"]["temp"] , you can now use msg["temp"] . With complex hierarchical structures where your code only needs access to a sub-hierarchy, this can simplify your code a lot.

In the same way you can also use the  Target Property  to control which part of the outgoing message your code is allowed to change. Whatever you send in the call to  will be added to the target property, either a complex dictionary, an array or a simple value. If your return message is not a dictionary you need to specify a target property. As a consequence you can only send dictionaries if the target property is empty, and these will be added to the root of the outgoing message (replacing the input message).

Importing libraries

All the standard libraries are available and can be imported just like normal, by adding import statements. It is also possible to use external libraries that need to be installed in the local Python environment. Libraries that need to be installed shall be listed in the Packages  settings window. Here you can enter a list of libraries that need to be installed. When the flow is started the node will first install any libraries listed, by running  pip install  on each of the entries in the  Packages  window.
The node will use the full lines in the  Packages  setting when calling  pip install , thus making it possible to add command-line arguments. For example, specifying a specific version of a library (e.g.  numpy==1.20.3 ) or a custom repository with  --extra-index-url <url>.
Please note that the  Packages  setting is only used for installing packages, you still need to import them in your Python code.
The edge node Docker container does not include the development tools. Hence, only pure Python packages, or packages where pre-compiled binaries exist for your platform can be installed. The standard PyPi repository has less pre-compiled packages for Arm CPUs and then you might need to specify alternative repositories to find the packages you want.

Using zipped libraries

The pip tool can install packages from local directories, which is useful in cases where you have added custom packages manually on the edge node host. Relying on locally installed packages will however make your flows less useful, since they will require custom configurations of any nodes where you want to deploy the flow. Since a package is typically a directory structure it's not practical to use the resource library in the Crosser Control Cloud to distribute such packages.
An alternative then is to use the feature that Python can import from zipped libraries. The zipped library file can be distributed to nodes by adding it to the resource library (see below). In order for Python to find the library you must add another path in the search order used by Python. For example, if my custom package is loaded as the resource  you need to add the following lines to your code:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, './data/flowresources/')
import my_library  # Name must match what is inside the zip file

You can read more about using zipped libraries here .


The resource library in Crosser Control Cloud is used to hold files that are needed by flows. You can upload any file and then reference this file when configuring your flow. When an edge node receives the flow it will also download any resources found in the flow into local storage. This feature can be used to add Python code files that can then be imported in your code. All resource files will end up in the  ./data/flowresources  directory in the local file system. The Python interpreter used by the Python Bridge module is set up to look for packages in this directory, so you can use standard  import  statements to import these files. When uploading Python files you should set the type to  Python Script , to make it easier to find these files when browsing the library.
If you upload other files, such as machine learning models, use the generic  File  type.


Machine learning

In this first example we will use a machine learning model to make predictions based on message data. The model is a Tensorflow lite model and the file is uploaded as a resource file ( mlp_100.tflite ).
This is what the code in the Python Bridge module looks like:

import tflite_runtime.interpreter as tflite
import numpy as np

MODEL_FILE = "data/flowresources/mlp_100.tflite"

# Load TFLite model and allocate tensors.
interpreter = tflite.Interpreter(model_path=MODEL_FILE)
print("*** Loading saved model:", MODEL_FILE)

# Get input and output tensors.
input_details = interpreter.get_input_details()
output_details = interpreter.get_output_details()

def msg_handler(msg, module):
    global interpreter
    data = np.array(msg['data']['values'], dtype="float32")
    if len(data) != 0:
        interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], [data])
        prediction = float(interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index'])[0][0]){'actual': data[-1], 'prediction': prediction, 'abs_error': abs(data[-1] - prediction), 'samples': len(data)})

A few things to notice:
  1. Packages are imported and the Tensorflow environment is initialized outside the  msg_handler  function
  2. The  interpreter  object is referenced as a global variable in the  msg_handler  function (not strictly necessary since we are not assigning values to it, but good practice)
  3. The message data is casted to an numpy array, to match the requirements of the model
  4. The  prediction  is casted to a standard float  type to make it JSON serializable.
  5. The message to send to the next module is created in the call to

Data generator

The normal use case is to use the Python Bridge module to process flow messages, i.e. the Python code is executed each time the module receives a message from previous modules. However, there are situations where you might want to send an output message without having received any message. This could for example be when you want to get data from an external source and deliver it as input data to a flow. Using the OpenCV library to get data from network video cameras could be such a use case. A simpler but still relevant use case that we will look at here is to build a data generator in Python to provide our flow with simulated data.
For these types of use cases, where we don't receive any incoming messages, we cannot use any code in the  msg_handler function. Remember though that this is a required function, so it must still be there, but you can have a simple  pass statement, to make it a valid function. Instead we have to put our code in the optional  initialize  function, in order to get access to the  module  object that will allow us to send data to the following modules.

Let's create a data generator that outputs a sine wave, by sending a message every second:

import math
import time

PERIOD = 60 # Seconds

def initialize(module):
    t = 0
    result = {}
    while True:
        result["value"] = math.sin(2*math.pi*t/PERIOD)
        t += 1

def msg_handler(msg, module):

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